Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones Nº 331, 19 de octubre, 2018
European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin
#331 (19 October 2018)
"La UE y Reino Unido sopesan alargar el periodo transitorio para desbloquear el Brexit", El País, 18 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
Las dos partes contemplan ampliar un año, hasta finales de 2021, el periodo transitorio tras el divorcio definitivo
"Residents in Spain will have longest life expectancy in World by 2040", The Olive Press, 17 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
...while the UK will sit in 23rd place, a study has revealed. Beating Japan in second place, Spanish residents are predicted to enjoy an average lifespan of 85.8 years thanks to a healthy Mediterranean diet, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle.
"La Cala acogerá unas jornadas sobre suelo no urbanizable", Mijas Comunicación, 16 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
“Sabemos que muchos vecinos siguen preocupados por este asunto, de ahí que hagamos extensible esta invitación a toda la ciudadanía, así como a colegios profesionales, asociaciones y empresarios de la zona”, indicó el lunes el concejal de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Mijas... ... se abordarán asuntos como la nueva Ley Urbanística en Andalucía, los derechos humanos en el urbanismo o la regularización inmobiliaria de las viviendas irregulares. ... "...hablaremos del trabajo que se lleva a cabo tanto en Mijas como en Alcaucín...”, explicó Blancke.
"Exiting department number two meets with British residents in Spain", Sur in English, 15 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
The Minister at the Department for Exiting the EU, Robin Walker, was in Madrid last week to meet with Spanish government ministers, UK Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, and members of the business community. He also took part in a roundtable discussion on citizens' rights with spokespeople from groups representing UK nationals in Spain.
"La facturación por la atención a turistas extranjeros se dispara en el ‘Mateu Orfila’", Menorca, 14 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
El Servei de Salut (IB-Salut) ha facturado en los primeros nueve meses del año 20,6 millones de euros por la asistencia sanitaria a los ... europeos que viajan a las Islas con la TSE (tarjeta sanitaria europea), tres millones de euros más (17,55 por ciento) que en el mismo período del año pasado.
"Homeless man from Medway found wandering streets of Spain", Kent Online, 11 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
Graham Nobbs, 70, originally from Chatham, ... is now living with another couple in the Spanish town, who have helped him set up a bank account and access his pension. However, it is going to take around three months until he will receive any of his money. The hope is that an online fundraising page will help him to get a passport, a national insurance number - and a pair of glasses.
"Expats on Costa del Sol raise funds to help homeless pensioner get back on his feet", The Olive Press, 09 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
...after he lost his entire family. ... The Stockport couple want to help the 69-year-old, originally from Kent, to get a passport, bank account and NIE number. ... Rebecca told the Olive Press ... “He hasn’t been able to claim any of the pension that he is owed as he has no bank account, passport or any means of communication with the pension people back in the UK.” ... Graham ... worked as a salesman for House of Fraser and Barclays in Kensington...
"Help for Graham: Expats rally for homeless Brit OAP wandering streets of Spain for five years", Euro Weekly News, 09 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
An elderly British man, who has covered around 25,000 miles wandering the streets of Spain since losing all his family has been taken under the wing of expats who are trying to help him get off the streets for good. ... “He hasn’t worked in around over 20 years as he gave up his job to help look after his mum and siblings. When his family passed away ... he pretty much gave up on life, got in his car one day and ended up in Spain. ... Graham is able to claim his pension but it’s going to take around three months ... after five years of hell living on the streets.
"El inversor inmobiliario mira al sur para comprar", El Mundo, 07 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
El sur gana al norte en el hipercompetitivo mercado inmobiliario. Alicante a Valencia y Castellón, y dentro de Alicante, la Vega Baja a las Marinas. Torrevieja y Orihuela se imponen a Benidorm... Las preferencias de los inversores extranjeros a la hora de comprar viviendas se dirigen hacia las comarcas del sur, atraídos por los menores precios del producto ... el codiciado cliente internacional, base del turismo residencial. ... Los suecos son los que más han invertido en Torrevieja, incluso más que los británicos. ... Los rusos ... belgas ... noruegos ... y alemanes ... completan el cuadro de honor. La vecina Orihuela es la segunda del ranking autonómico. ... Aquí los británicos se imponen al resto de nacionalidades... Los suecos son los segundos que más compran... ¿Por qué se vende más en el sur que en el norte? Una de las razones que apuntan en el sector es el precio de los inmuebles. ... ante la demanda más sensible a este factor, hace que el mercado se dirija hacia el producto más asequible.
"Brexit: Brits in Spain react to Theresa May's speech", The Local, 04 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
Theresa May's Conservative Party conference speech is causing confusion and consternation amongst members of the anti-Brexit campaign group Bremain in Spain.