Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 342

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 342, 1 de febrero, 2019

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin
#342 (1 February 2019)
"Confused? You will be", Costa Blanca News, 31 | 01 | 2019 - Noticia
British government planning for no-deal Brexit descended into farce this week when the department for health suggested on Monday that expat pensioners could lose their right to free healthcare – only to be apparently contradicted by the British Embassy over the issue on Wednesday afternoon.
Officials at the British Embassy in Madrid have sought to reassure Brits in Spain that they will still get access to healthcare, even in the case of a no-deal Brexit. A warning issued earlier this week from the UK government that retirees living in EU states could lose their free healthcare sent shock waves to the estimated 190,000 British pensioners who retired to Spain, France, Italy and other EU states. ... The statement refers to an announcement from the Spanish government earlier this month that in the case of a no-deal Brexit, bilateral efforts were being made to guarantee the healthcare arrangements of UK nationals in Spain. But they said that such an agreement would have to be on a reciprocal basis...
"Britons living in EU call on May to secure healthcare for pensioners", The Guardian, 31 | 01 | 2019 -  Reportaje (Lisa O'Carroll)
The government has indicated that it is in advanced conversations with countries including Spain, France and Ireland about continuing reciprocal arrangements, which would kick in to place if the UK crashes out of the EU. ... the campaign group British in Europe says the government needs to make unilateral pledges to extend the S1 beyond 29 March for all 1 million Britons in all EU states irrespective of the bilateral talks.
En un escenario incierto para la comunidad británica residente en España por efecto del Brexit, algunos optan por estrechar lazos con la Costa del Sol y tras años de salida masiva ... el padrón municipal registra un incremento de inscritos del Reino Unido. Una subida tímida ... es el primer repunte ... en cinco años. El temor al Brexit, explican desde las organizaciones de residentes extranjeros en Marbella, «ha hecho que muchos empiecen a tomar este camino».
...casi 200 afectados, todos jubilados y la mayoría ciudadanos británicos residentes en la Costa del Sol, empieza a ver la luz. Un juzgado de Marbella acaba de dar la razón a un matrimonio de afectados estimando que el banco, Landsbanki (a través de su filial en Luxemburgo) ... impuso cláusulas nulas por abusivas y que además la entidad no ha podido siquiera demostrar que les dieran el dinero del préstamo que además ahora la entidad les reclama. ... La sentencia no es firme y contra ella cabe recurso ante la Audiencia Provincial.
"The view from Spain: British migrants fear Brexit impact", Aljazeera, 30 | 01 | 2019 -  Reportaje (Joe Wallen)
Al Jazeera spoke to British people living in Costa del Sol and in the Valencian Community about their home country's impending divorce from the EU. ... Alison Curtis says she depends on the Spanish health system ... "...I don't want to go back [to the UK]. I don't trust the creaking NHS and it would not allow the 24-hour support of my family as is the system here." "A no-deal Brexit could mean that I lose this essential healthcare provision that I get for free in Spain, it's the third best in the world. Lack of money wouldn't drive me home but a complete loss of access to healthcare could drive me home, albeit against my will." ... Sue Wilson, 65, chair of Bremain in Spain ... is worried a falling pound could impact people's income ... pensions have already gone down by 15 to 20 percent since the referendum. "Potentially ... pensioners or those reliant on earnings from the UK could see their income reduce even further."
The new UK Government guidelines, published yesterday, say pensioners, tourists and students in the EU will lose free healthcare after March 29 in the event of a no-deal Brexit
"UK retirees in EU states to lose NHS cover in no-deal Brexit", The Irish Times, 29 | 01 | 2019 -  Reportaje
British nationals who have retired to EU countries including Spain and France will no longer have their healthcare covered by the NHS in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the UK government has said. The confirmation will come as a blow to about 190,000 British citizens retired in the EU in the Spanish Costas, Provence in France and Tuscany in Italy, all popular with British pensioners. It could also add to the burden on the NHS if pensioners believe they have no option but to return to the UK as the government has previously admitted it is cheaper to pay Spain and France to look after Britons’ medical bills than have them fly home. ... The government says it is seeking bilateral deals with other EU countries on the continuation of healthcare but so far none have been arranged.
The British government has said that expatriate pensioners will lose access to healthcare payments if Britain leaves the EU without a deal in March. ... Government officials are attempting to strike deals on no-deal health arrangements, the NHS added. Health officials have called on expatriates to register with Spanish authorities to guarantee their access to doctors and cover themselves for a no-deal scenario. ... properly registered as residents...
A British government memo sent to Whitehall departments revealed officials are preparing for up to 250,000 expatriates returning home if a Brexit no-deal scenario occurs, according to reports. ... with around 30,000 moving back in the first three months under a ‘worst-case’ scenario. ... Around 40 per cent of returning expatriates could be pensioners... Public services including the NHS and welfare system could come under pressure as a result. A government spokesperson told British media the predictions could vary if expatriates receive reassurance from Spain and other European Union countries that their current living situation and rights will not be affected if the United Kingdom leaves without a deal.
...there have already been signs that many are heading back to the UK since the Brexit vote. In the last five years, the number of British residents in Spain has fallen by 157,107, according to the country’s National Statistics Institute.
"May volverá a Bruselas para pedir un pacto "revisado" del "brexit"", EuroEFE.EurActiv, 29 | 01 | 2019 - Noticia
Entre 50.000 y 250.000 británicos expatriados en países de la UE, entre ellos España, podrían regresar en masa al Reino Unido si hubiera un "brexit" sin acuerdo el próximo 29 de marzo, según circulares del Gobierno británico a las que ha accedido el portal de noticias BuzzFeed.News. En estos documentos internos, el Ejecutivo británico insta a los diferentes ministerios a estar preparados para ese posible retorno, bautizado "brexodus" por los periodistas. ... el Ejecutivo ... calcula que un 40 % de los ciudadanos que regresarían a su país serían jubilados, lo que pondría presión sobre los servicios públicos británicos, en particular el sistema sanitario.
The victims, both in their 70s, were seriously injured due to the gas explosion in their bungalow. ... First on the scene were neighbour John and Roger ... “The first thing we saw was Shirley, who suffers from dementia... Brian, who’s got cancer, was covered in glass and blood.”
"La huida de extranjeros resta cuatro concejales a Mogán", El Diario, 27 | 01 | 2019 - Reportaje (Iván Alejandro Hernández)
El Ayuntamiento de Mogán tendrá cuatro concejales menos en las elecciones municipales de mayo de 2019 al no alcanzar la barrera de los 20.001 residentes, que permite contar con 21 ediles, según la escala recogida en el artículo 179.1 de la Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General. Y todo se debe a la fuerte caída de los residentes extranjeros en uno de las principales zonas turísticas de Canarias. ... El departamento de Estadística del Consistorio ... asegura que muchos extranjeros empadronados en el municipio en un primer momento no confirman su residencia años después. ... el descenso del número de extranjeros empadronados en Canarias ha sido generalizado. ... en ningún otro municipio turístico canario el descenso es tan pronunciado...
"AUAN: “El nuevo gobierno en Andalucía es un cambio para bien”", La Voz de Almería, 26 | 01 | 2019 - Noticia
El pacto entre el Partido Popular y Ciudadanos para gobernar en Andalucía durante la presente legislatura ha abierto un halo de esperanza entre los afectados por la problemática de las viviendas ilegales en el Valle del Almanzora y el Levante almeriense. Entre las 90 medidas contempladas en el documento suscrito por las dos formaciones, los miles de afectados por el urbanismo desaforado miran con especial atención a la número 47, que promete una próxima “aprobación” con “celeridad” de “un nuevo texto refundido de la Ley del Suelo de Andalucía”.
La asociación Save Our Homes Axarquía (Soha) va a solicitar una reunión con la Consejería de Ordenación del Territorio para abordar el futuro de las casas que están fuera de ordenación urbanística, tras el cambio de gobierno en la Junta de Andalucía. El primer cambio de gobierno en la Junta de Andalucía podría marcar “un momento trascendental en la historia de Andalucía”, afirmaba el presidente de Soha, Phil Smalley... Mario Blancke, portavoz del colectivo, resaltó que “queremos trabajar por una normativa acorde a los tiempos y tendemos una mano para no perder ninguno de los derechos que hemos recuperado. Lo que está claro es que no pueden pasar otros diez años. Queremos justicia ya”.