Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 389

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 389, 05 de junio, 2020

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin

#389 (05 June 2020)


"How will coronavirus crisis affect chances of Brits staying in Spain after Brexit transition period?", The Local, 02 | 06 | 2020 - Reportaje
Before the coronavirus crisis disrupted everything, many Brits already in Spain or planning to move here were working hard to get their paperwork properly in order before the withdrawal agreement period ends... But when covid-19 hit Spain, it not only scuppered travel plans but forced people who were planning on moving here to put the relocation on hold. The total lockdown in Spain also meant ... delays in registering and paperwork. ... as long as you are legally resident here by the end of 2020 your rights to continue to live and work here are guaranteed. And for those who have retired here, the Withdrawal Agreement guarantees that UK state pensioners will continue to have lifelong healthcare access as long as they remain living in Spain (this also applies to residents who claim a UK state pension in the future) and that UK state pension will continue to be uprated. ... the Embassy ... advice is to keep checking the Spanish Administration portal to see if appointments for “residencia” are available again in your area. ... having a NIE ... is not a guarantee that you are registered as a resident. ... It is also not the same as being registered on the Padron ... The TIE ... is the residence document that will explicitly show you have rights under the Withdrawal Agreement once the transition period is over and it is likely at some point that Brits in Spain will have to replace their green certificate with a TIE.

"Residentes extranjeros con ansias de volver", La Opinión de Málaga, 31 | 05 | 2020 - Reportaje (Fran Extremera)
Un amplio cupo de los alrededor de 250.000 ciudadanos extranjeros que tienen en la provincia de Málaga su segunda residencia ha pasado en la Costa del Sol el confinamiento. Pero otros optaron por regresar a sus países de origen, en la mayoría de los casos Reino Unido, Alemania o Francia, y cuentan los días ya para poder tomar sus vuelos de regreso. ... Colectivos y entidades como la Asociación de Residentes Extranjeros de la Costa del Sol o departamento de Extranjeros en ayuntamientos como Marbella, Mijas, Torremolinos y Nerja no dejan de recibir llamadas o emails prácticamente a diario

"Los extranjeros siguen comprando casas en la playa pese a la pandemia", El Mundo, 28 | 05 | 2020 - Reportaje (Gema Peñalosa)
Los clientes comunitarios -principalmente de la Costa Blanca- siguen siendo ... fieles a la oferta inmobiliaria y los promotores han consolidado sus ventas. ... lo atestigua el último informe de la Asociación de Promotores Inmobiliarios de la Provincia de Alicante ... donde también se recogen datos de toda la Comunidad Valenciana, donde un 78% de las pernoctaciones del turismo extranjero es de segunda residencia. ... el interés por comprar se ha incrementado. ... No han sido pocos los clientes que han apoderado desde sus países de origen a un abogado español para escriturar la vivienda a su nombre o se han servido de las plataformas digitales que los constructores les han facilitado.

"Australia, Spain & US remain top destinations for UK expats: research", International Investment, 27 | 05 | 2020 - Noticia
The UK's Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) published today the results of its survey that shows Australia, Spain, the US and Canada are the top countries for British expats... Around 30% of expats are seeking a better quality of life, often in retirement.

"More than 60% of UK expats will never return home: survey", International Investment, 26 | 05 | 2020 - Noticia
Six out of 10 Britons living abroad have vowed never to permanently move back to the UK, according to a new survey published today. ... the poll also found that ... 81% were able to save more in their overseas location. ... Nigel Green, founder and CEO of deVere Group, said of the findings: "It will surprise many observers that despite the global pandemic and rising economic, political and social tensions in many countries around the world, the ‘pull' factors of overseas living far outweigh those of the UK.

"What will Brits in Spain need to get 'settled status'?", International Investment, 25 | 05 | 2020 - Opinión (Sue Wilson, Chair of Bremain in Spain)
Sue Wilson of Bremain in Spain provides some reassurance for British people resident in Spain.

"Los promotores inmobiliarios, optimistas en plena pandemia", La Razón, 25 | 05 | 2020 - Noticia
Optimismo pese a la incertidumbre y viejas reivindicaciones... En este escenario trabajan los promotores valencianos.

"Dos estudios alertan de la realidad desbocada de edificaciones ilegales en Andalucía", Público, 25 | 05 | 2020 - Noticia
Más de 270.000 viviendas fuera de control y 650.000 personas con acceso a ellas conforman ya un imparable fenómeno de desorden urbanístico que las administraciones locales y autonómica se han mostrado incapaces de controlar.

"El periodo de información pública de la Lista comenzará en junio", La Vanguardia (EFE), 22 | 05 | 2020 - Noticia la Ley de Impulso para la Sostenibilidad del Territorio (Lista), que refunde y reduce toda la legislación urbanística de la comunidad autónoma... la Lista integrará las actuales leyes del Ordenación del Territorio (LOTA) y la de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía (LOUA) y derogará parte del articulado y disposiciones de una veintena de leyes y decretos. También incluirá el decreto ley de viviendas irregulares...