Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 445

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 445, 11 de noviembre, 2022

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin

#445 (11 November 2022)

"Can I vote in Spanish local elections?", Euro Weekly News, 10 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje
...due to be held on the last Sunday in May 2023. The answer is not an entirely simple one but let me outline the current regulations as we know them.
"Spain wants changes so british tourists can stay longer than 90 days", Canarian Weekly, 10 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia
Spain’s Secretary of State for the Ministry of Tourism, Fernando Valdés, wants to scrap the rule that limits third-country tourists, including those from the UK, from staying in Spain for only 90 days in any 180-day period, in a bid to further boost the tourism sector and make travel more flexible.
"Una de cada tres viviendas vendidas en Canarias es comprada por extranjeros", Canarias Ahora (EFE), 10 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje
La compraventa de viviendas creció ... en Canarias durante el tercer trimestre del año con respecto al trimestre anterior... Según datos recabados por el Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad... En el conjunto de España, la compraventa de viviendas creció ... con un récord de la demanda extranjera. ... nivel máximo desde el tercer trimestre de 2007 (últimos quince años). ... Todas las comunidades autónomas experimentaron incrementos interanuales, siendo de dos dígitos en quince de ellas. Por provincias, el mayor número de compraventas se dio en Madrid ... Barcelona ... Alicante ... Málaga ... Valencia ... Murcia ... y Sevilla... La demanda extranjera de vivienda registró un nuevo máximo ... dando lugar al sexto trimestre consecutivo con incrementos en peso relativo. Este crecimiento se ha producido, fundamentalmente, como consecuencia del aumento de nacionalidades menos habituales, explican los registradores. Las nacionalidades con mayor peso fueron los británicos ... alemanes ... franceses ... rumanos ... belgas ... holandeses ... y marroquíes...
Spanish tourism secretary Fernando Valdés tells i his country would like to end the rule that means non-EU travellers can only stay for 90 days within a 180-day period – but the decision would be down to Brussels.
"Aumentan un 21% los empadronados en Marbella desde la pandemia", Onda Cero, 07 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia (Alfonso Olaso)
Los ciudadanos foráneos empadronados en Marbella, además de aumentar en conjunto, son más en relación con el total de los vecinos de la ciudad: el 27,16%. ... los británicos han desbancado a los marroquíes del primer puesto, y los colombianos a los italianos del quinto. Los cinco primeros los completan los ucranianos y los rusos que son terceros y cuartos respectivamente. En ambos casos, han crecido. ... Muchos sudamericanos han vuelto a sus países por la situación económica pero todavía no consta su ausencia; no lo hace hasta tanto no tienen que renovar el padrón. ... Son 152 nacionalidades presentes ahora mismo.
...las Illes Balears, la autonomía donde más ha subido el precio del alquiler de toda España, según los datos del INE... Este aumento desmesurado se entiende en buena parte por un aumento de la población con alto poder adquisitivo, que han encontrado en las Illes un oasis donde escaparse y que han hecho encarecer los precios del alquiler y la compra. ... el Govern de las Islas Baleares se ha planteado optar por una medida drástica para intentar eliminar esta problemática: limitar la venta de casas a los no residentes o a las personas que llevan menos de cinco años en el archipiélago. ... ha chocado con la negativa de las inmobiliarias...
"Time to think about voting in Almeria province’s 2023 municipal elections", Euro Weekly News, 05 | 11 | 2022 - Noticia (Linda Hall)
Despite Brexit, British residents can still vote, and stand, in municipal elections under conditions similar to before. ... Those meeting the time requirements can expect to receive a letter enabling them to declare their wish to vote by completing the letter and returning it to the OCE office, free of charge. They can also do this online ... or in person at their town hall. ... Residents receiving neither letter, or those who do not return them, may also express their wish to be included in the electoral census at their town hall. The period for confirming the intention of voting begins on December 1 and ends on January 15.
"Instability persuading Britons to move abroad", The National, 04 | 11 | 2022 - Reportaje (Gillian Duncan)
Britons are moving abroad due to sociopolitical instability, the high cost of living and the desire to retire somewhere with better weather, a survey has shown. About 334,000 people left the UK in 2021, migration statistics showed. Get Properties, a real estate advisory firm, commissioned a survey of Britons who recently bought property abroad. ... 38 per cent of people surveyed said the instability partly caused by the UK's recent succession of prime ministers — Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and now Rishi Sunak — was seen by some as a concern. The second reason, cited by 27 per cent of respondents, was the country's high cost of living, which has worsened recently... Household bills were highlighted as one of the main areas of financial difficulty... The third most popular reason for moving abroad among those surveyed was the ability to live somewhere cheaper with a better climate... The overwhelming majority of those surveyed, 82 per cent, owned a property in Southern Europe, and more than half said the cost of living was the main reason they had selected the location. The majority, 70 per cent, said they will live in their new property full time. Get Properties and Get Golden Visa founder and managing partner ... said ... “Spain and Portugal are top markets for those who wish to buy a second property or a primary home where they can move their families altogether. These are also popular retirement destinations for Britons.”
TheExpatNetwork, alongside with Property Guides, analysed the healthcare systems in the top 10 most popular countries for expats. The results found that five of the best countries for Britons to relocate to have very "affordable and comprehensive healthcare". ... Spain is the healthiest country in the world, according to the World Population Review, and this may be thanks to its universal healthcare. The system allows free healthcare for all citizens but if Britons move to the country and want to access the state healthcare system, they will need to check the terms and conditions for their specific region, which can vary. GP visits are normally free with state health insurance, but people have to pay a proportion of the prescription fees, some vaccinations, or specialist treatment. ... Before Britons move to an EU country, they need to apply for a GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) or replace their European Health Insurance Card ... with a GHIC when it expires, which ensures state-provided healthcare in EU nations.
As the cost of living puts pressure on Britons, some retired Brits are looking to move elsewhere. One of Spain's best places has incredible weather which might mean Britons don't even need central heating.
"Hasta 390.000 jubilados extranjeros VIP residen y gastan su pensión en España", La Información, 24 | 10 | 2022 - Reportaje (Enrique Morales)
España se ha convertido en uno de los países más atractivos de Europa para los jubilados extranjeros ... para retirarse y cobrar -también para gastar y pagar impuestos- sus pensiones, más elevadas que las de los españoles, sobre todo en el caso de los nacionales de los países europeos, fundamentalmente franceses y alemanes. ...además de los jubilados VIP europeos, hay un porcentaje destacable de rumanos y marroquíes, que tras terminar con su vida laboral y ganarse su pensión, se quedaron definitivamente en España. ... Los convenios internacionales facilitan determinar la pensión de los ciudadanos que cotizaron en dos o más países. España acoge buena parte de ellos. ... Las pensiones procedentes del extranjero se declaran. ... Las pensiones no contributivas de jubilación ... para obtener estas prestaciones no se tiene en cuenta la nacionalidad, pero sí se requiere haber residido en España durante diez años y dos de ellos antes de solicitar la pensión.
"Which UK benefits can Brits keep if they move to Spain?", The Local, 18 | 10 | 2022 - Reportaje
You may be surprised to find out that there are a handful of UK benefits Britons can still claim if they live in Spain.
El Gobierno amplía este programa a todos los residentes mayores de 65 años que vivan en el extranjero con el objetivo de mantener los vínculos con la población residente en el exterior. 
"Registration details for British residents in Spain to vote in local elections", Euro Weekly News, 17 | 10 | 2022 - Reportaje (Matthew Roscoe) 
RESIDENTS of EU members and nationals from a country who have signed a reciprocal agreement with Spain have the right to vote in the local elections – meaning British residents are now able to vote in Spanish local elections. ... on May 28, 2023, there will be local elections in Spain... Those residents in Spain from countries with reciprocal arrangements with Spain giving their citizens the right to vote in municipal elections and who meet the agreed requirements and the conditions to vote may register on the electoral census for the May 2023 municipal elections. The countries with agreements currently in force are Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Korea, Ecuador, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, the United Kingdom, and Trinidad and Tobago.
"Can I vote in the May local elections? Yes you can", Canarian Weekly 17 | 10 | 2022 - Noticia (Ayuntamiento de Adeje)
Residents of EU members and nationals from a country that has signed a reciprocal agreement with Spain have the right to vote in the local elections that are coming up on May 28th. To create an electoral census of foreign residents in Spain (CERE) the Census Electoral Office (OCE) has sent the following information to the country’s Town Halls.
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