Boletín de Prensa, nº 469

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 469, 21 de junio, 2024

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin

#469 (21 June 2024)

Spain is our top choice for a cheap life in the sun. Around 130,000 British over-60s live there and the UK's cost-of-living crisis remains a big driver, despite price hikes on some Spanish goods.
"Viva España! British buyers fuelling Spanish real estate revival", Euro Weekly News, 17 | 06 | 2024 - Reportaje (Anna Ellis)
Over the past year, there has been a notable surge in British interest in property in Spain.
La eliminación del visado para extranjeros que invirtiesen en España se iba a incluir dentro de la ley de suelo, pero esta fue retirada del orden del día en el Congreso...
"UK tax update for British expatriates in Spain and the Canary Islands", Canarian Weekly, 07 | 06 | 2024 - Reportaje (Paul Montague y Blevins Franks)
Following the UK spring budget in March, and the start of the new tax year in April, here is an in-depth look at the changes and announcements that may affect British expatriates living in Spain and the Canary Islands. 
El Gobierno pretende eliminar este sistema que otorga el permiso de residencia a cambio de inversiones. Los inversores chinos y rusos suman casi la mitad de las 14.500 golden visas concedidas desde 2013
"British expat voters set to make Tories pay for Brexit", Majorca Daily Bulletin, 07 | 06 | 2024 - Reportaje (Humphrey Carter)
Over three million British citizens living abroad have regained their right to vote in British General Elections and referendums following the implementation of the Elections Act 2022. This represents the biggest increase in the British electoral franchise since the introduction of full female suffrage in 1928. ... it appears many UK citizens living in Spain and across Europe are set to vote against the Conservatives as they are 'still living in the consequences of Brexit'... Dr Susan Collard, from the University of Sussex, told The Times...
"Convertir la longevidad en un activo", El País, 27 | 05 | 2024 - Editorial
España va camino de ser el país más longevo del mundo y debe poner ya las bases de esa futura economía