Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 474

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 474, 10 de enero, 2025

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin

#474 (10 January 2025)

"Is my UK pension enough to live in Spain in 2025?", The Local, 10 | 01 | 2025 - Reportaje (Alex Dunham y Conor Faulkner)
Is the average UK pension enough to cover living costs in Spain in 2025? Or is relying on savings the only way to make ends meet in a country that is becoming increasingly expensive? Here is a detailed breakdown to help you decide. The 'average' UK pension for 2024 was £561 per week ... for a retired couple and £267 per week ... for a single retiree, according to the latest Government Pensioners’ Income figures. ... This might not sound like much, but living costs in Spain are cheaper than most parts of the UK. ...for 2025/26, the basic UK state pension and new state pension will increase by 4.1 percent in line with earnings growth, but as we only have average data for previous years, we'll work on that basis. ...if after having read this article you've concluded that you can afford to retire to Spain, we need to remind you of something very important that may influence your decision: Brexit. ... So to conclude, a UK pension may be just about enough for you to cover your living costs in some parts of Spain, but you will almost certainly need savings and other sources of passive income to get your foot in the door.
...acreditar su vivencia para seguir cobrando su prestación con normalidad. ...está disponible la aplicación VIVESS para realizar este trámite. ...tanto los pensionistas del INSS como los del ISM podrán acreditar su residencia fiscal, actualizar la modalidad de pago a transferencia bancaria y modificar sus datos personales o bancarios en cualquier momento. ...el INSS va a enviar un total de 115.169 cartas a los pensionistas residentes en el extranjero ... en castellano, portugués, francés, inglés, alemán, polaco y búlgaro...
Finlandia ha anunciado el cese definitivo del pago de pensiones de jubilación a las personas que residen en el extranjero ... existe una gran comunidad finlandesa residente en la costa malagueña. Una las personas afectadas es Liisa, una finlandesa de 79 años que en 2025, cuando su gobierno deje de ingresarle la pensión, se verá obligada a retornar a su país de origen...
"Finland to end national pension payments abroad in 2025", Helsinki Times, 13 | 12 | 2024 - Noticia
The Finnish Parliament has approved a legislative change that will stop the payment of national pensions to recipients living outside Finland in EU and EEA countries, Switzerland, and the UK, effective from 1 February 2025. This decision aims to reduce government spending and redefine the national pension as a minimum benefit, available only to residents of Finland. The change will affect those currently receiving Finnish national old-age or disability pensions while living abroad.
The Annual Global Retirement Index for 2025, by International Living (IL) evaluates 20 carefully selected countries across seven key categories to help retirees identify locations where their money stretches further. The categories include housing, visas and benefits, cost of living, healthcare, development and governance, climate, and community integration. The assessment process relies heavily on insights from on-the-ground correspondents who are expats themselves, providing real-world data about daily living costs and experiences. ... Portugal ranks as the top... France is second... Third comes Spain which attracts retirees ... at an affordable cost. Its healthcare system, ranked among the best globally, is both accessible and inexpensive.
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"Epilogue: Welfare policies, care and elderly migration", capítulo de Rafael Durán, miembro del OEG, en Retirement migrants and dependency (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).